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U.S. Treasury Press Releases

Press releases issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, mostly extracted from the compiled press releases at FRASER (online Federal Reserve Library),


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3 entries found for [year:1977]

Displaying records 1 — 3
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Letters to Senate and House on "The State of United States Coinage" 1/5/1977

Letters to Senate and House on "The State of United States Coinage"

Copies of letters to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House which include the Treasury Department's 24-page opinion on the state of U.S. coinage and potential steps forward.

Mary Brooks Resigns 2/15/1977

Mary Brooks Resigns

A Treasury release on the resignation of Mary Brooks as Director of the Mint, which includes her letter of resignation and Carter's reply, as well as information on her tenure.

Stella Hackel Sworn In 12/12/1977

Stella Hackel Sworn In

A Treasury release on the swearing in of Stella Hackel as Mint Director, as well as information about her career prior.

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